I think it was season 4 of The Equalizer was when they added another person because Ed Woodward had a heart attack, so the other person did a lot the action scenes. That was when I started losing interest. The same with Knight Rider when they killed Edward Mulhare's character.
I didn't know that about The Equalizer. Thanks for the info. I might just buy up to season 3 then on that show. Especially if they bring someone else in to take over action scenes and the likes. As for Knight Rider changing the head guy of FLAG (Edward Mulhare) at least I think he was the head honcho. He was the one giving Michael Knight the missions etc. As long as it isn't some silly woman he is replaced with then I can live with his replacement I suppose.
Quantum Leap and The Equalizer. :clap: I'd forgotten about both of those really good shows. All of this reality TV crap has caused me to lose any memory of good TV and just curse it all. See, there used to be good, quality shows on TV. Why can't we have shows like that again???
I know what you mean my friend. This is why I bought the boxsets of MacGyver, Quantum Leap, V, Knight Rider, The A Team, Monkey (aka Monkey Magic) and other such shows. The 80s kicked ball sack big time!. The shows of today don't have a whole lot to say for themselves. There isn't very many memorable shows around today. All of those shows I mentioned above have memorable main themes. YOU KNOW each of those shows the second the theme starts. Shows of today don't have memorable and catchy music themes. I mean the first second and a half lol that the Knight Rider theme kicks in YOU KNOW what show it is.
I just ordered myself the latest Mortal Kombat for the xbox for £14.95 and Blu-rays A Bridge Too Far £6.67, Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil £6.95 and Dragon Wars £4.95 which is supposed to be a CGI masterpiece. Last week I picked up the limited edition Harry Potter boxset which includes both Blu-rays and DVDs of all the films for £60, I'm not the biggest fan but I've only seen one so it's worth the money, some real bargains out there as the online shops struggle for Sales, the best to check out are Amazon, Play.com, HMV and Zaavi. ps What do people think of this home entertainment system, I only get sound out of the tv at the moment and the audio (dialoge parts) always seems low yet the action sequences/sound effects very loud so I assume speakers will correct this, I also have a bluray player and xbox 360 so are these adaptable with the home cinema system? Thanks in advance:
Dragon Wars I bought a while back from Asda for about £4 or £5 and I thought it was alright. The FX were pretty good and all that. I didn't regret buying it.
*rant ahead*
As for the shops and them having sales I would avoid HMV as if they had the plague. They are a bunch of fucking robbing cock-jockey bastards!. They were supposed to be shutting down 60+ stores across the UK due to lack of sales and strong opposition from Amazon and the likes. HMV only have themselves to blame. They are extremely over-priced and rarely have a good bargain. I shopped in their store for about 18 months. And one of the reasons I quit going back there (besides the high prices) was the sheer incompetence in them being able to scan DVDs properly. So three times it happened to me... going out the door and BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! the fucking alarm went off. Every cunt in the store looking round and probably wondering if I am a theft when everything is actually bought and paid for every time. It's not hard to slide the case across the scanner to deactivate the fucking security thingy on the case. I mean the amount of discs they have sold by now they should have mastered the art of getting it right. It's embarrassing to have the alarm go off through the incompetence of the worker behind the counter every time. I said to the woman who approached me when it went off on the final time it happened: I said
"For fuck sake this is fucking rediculous so it is. There is absolutely no need for this. Everything is bought and paid for. It's not the fucking first time this shit has happened either and I'm fucking sick of discs not being scanned properly!" there was another girl working stacking the shelves close by. I could see her trying to hold her laugh in as she probably thought it was hilarous since customers usually don't flip out over such things. I was ready to get a full refund on what I had bought if I got any back chat from them as well for what I said. I spent £267 that day on DVDs in that shop. That's probably why the fuckers didn't say a thing in return. Imagine them handing me back that sort of cash. They made more from me than most customers. It's their fucking loss not mine. I wont be back to their shop. Fuck HMV.
*end of rant*
What about Murder, She Wrote to make your collection complete?
You know, I've never really taken to that show. I don't hate it. I was just never a very big fan of cop shows or private detective type shows. I think that "Hannay" and the BBC production of "Sherlock Holmes" starring Peter Cushing (which can also be bought in a boxset I think it's 12 episodes) and "Miami Vice" and "The Mentalist" and also "The Detectives" which starred Jasper Carrott and Robert Powell are the only cop/detective type shows I love. You could say that's a lot of shows for someone who doesn't like many cop type shows. But it's not really a lot compared to the fifty thousand run of the mill cop shows already out there lol